Panic Clan - 

Panic Clan is a BF2, BF2142, CoD4, and a CS:S clan
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Welcome to our clan website! Please keep spam to a minimum. Disrespecting anyone is forbidden.

Record: 0 - 0

Scrims: N/A


Join the TWL Team here

Leader’s Xfires

Founder of Panic Clan

Co-Founder of Panic Clan

First Co-Leader of Panic Clan

Second Co-Leader of Panic Clan


Third Co-Leader is unknown. Will be picked on August 1st 2009. We will choose 3-5 people who deserve it, and will have a vote within the clan. Leader's vote counts as five, admin's vote counts as four, member's vote counts as three, recruit's vote counts as one.


Welcome to Panic Clan's site! If you are not registered, go to the registered button on the menu. If you want to join, go on the forums and go to "Join Here!", then look at the sticky, copy and paste the questions on to a new thread, and fill it out. We're currently recruiting, and we'd be willing to accept any recruits if you pass the process, and same with alliances.

We are allied with ::DT:: (Decaying Twilight) and [HoW] (Hunterz of War). Respect them at all times!

Top posters
Deadly Fox (235)
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VertigoHawk (133)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
DruMmeR (106)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
Cpt. Longshot (93)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
Boudy (78)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
Brewtzar_II (73)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
KFC (47)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
Grayjack (45)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcapPanic Clan - Portal Voting_barPanic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap 
Sgt.Saber (37)
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Hornetnest (37)
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Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcap82%Panic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap
 82% [ 9 ]
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcap9%Panic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap
 9% [ 1 ]
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcap9%Panic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap
 9% [ 1 ]
My mother (Joke, don't vote)
Panic Clan - Portal Vote_lcap0%Panic Clan - Portal Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 11

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